The Crab Parade
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the crab parade held in September. Lucky for me, Erick, MEDA Communicator, was kind enough to show me some pictures of the school kids and their teachers parading through the streets of Zarumilla promoting the protection of the red crab (by not harvesting the red crab from August 15th to September 30th). A great way to spread the message of the importance of protecting the red crab! And the kids look so cute!!!

One Saturday morning I had the opportunity to be a guest on the SNLMT portion of the Mangrove Forest radio program. I had a short interview discussing the internship with MEDA, my experiences in Tumbes, etc.
I found it interesting that there was a weekly (one hour) radio program dedicated to the administrative activities of the Sanctuary. The program addresses environmental issues, recent announcements, interviews, information, etc. Of course, MEDA isn’t the only participant, park rangers and other institutions participate as well.
A Visit to the Sanctuary
In order to do some research Liang, the other MEDA intern, and I made a trip to SNLMT. We had prepared some ideas for tourism activities and wanted to present them to people working within SNLMT for input. The people were so wonderful. They were very responsive to our ideas and even had some of their own. Sitting in the office sometimes I feel as though I am not connecting with the people who are impacted by the work we are doing, which made this visit all that more meaningful.
In order to do some research Liang, the other MEDA intern, and I made a trip to SNLMT. We had prepared some ideas for tourism activities and wanted to present them to people working within SNLMT for input. The people were so wonderful. They were very responsive to our ideas and even had some of their own. Sitting in the office sometimes I feel as though I am not connecting with the people who are impacted by the work we are doing, which made this visit all that more meaningful.